Award Winners

 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for
ProfYuZhangKey Laboratory of Ministry of Education on Safe Mining of Deep Metal Mines, Northeastern UniversityChinaBest Researcher Award
DrFelixKpenekuuKwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology, Kumasi, GhanaGhanaBest Researcher Award
DrMarisaFreitasLAQV/REQUIMTE/Faculty of Pharmacy of University of PortoPortugalBest Researcher Award
ProfVictorPanLehman College and the Graduate Center of CUNYUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrRahulNaddaLoughborough UniversityUnited KingdomBest Researcher Award
DrBaljeetSinghLovely Professional UniversityIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrRuvishikaJayawardenaMae Fah Luang UniversityThailandBest Researcher Award
DrGerardDeepakManipal Institute of Technology Bengaluru, Manipal Academy of Higher Education, Manipal, IndiaIndiaExcellence in Research
DrMahaGasmiManouba UniversityTunisiaBest Researcher Award
Assist Prof DrSeyedeh HodaAlavizadehMashhad University of Medical SciencesIranBest Researcher Award
DrSeyedeh HodaAlavizadehMashhad University of Medical SciencesIranBest Researcher Award
DrKathrynMalherbeMED AI SOL PTY LTDSouth AfricaBest Researcher Award
MrGetachewAbateMekdela Amba UniversityEthiopiaBest Researcher Award
DrZahraGholiMinimally Invasive Surgery Research Center, Iran University of Medical Sciences, Tehran, Iran.IranBest Paper Award
DrSunilKumarMS Ramaiah University of Applied SciencesIndiaBest Researcher Award
MsAhmedElashkerMTCEgyptBest Researcher Award
DrPoojaBhatia NarangN/AUnited StatesBest Researcher Award
DrFarheenJameelNAIndiaBest Researcher Award
DrMuhammad WasifHanifNanjing University of Aeronautics and AstronauticsChinaBest Researcher Award
 Title First Name Last Name Institution/Organization Country Selected for